
Introducing SharkStatsBot, prowling through the depths of Twitch channels, emerging to track the thrilling chaos of StreamElements Roulette betting. Like a seasoned hunter, SharkStatsBot sinks its teeth into the data, delivering thrilling statistics on individual players and the entire channel.

Command Usage:

!sharkstats [leave blank for your individual stats] or [option]

Options include:


!sharkstats all
!sharkstats topbetters


If SharkStatsBot says it sent you a whisper and you did not receive it, it could be because you have "Block Whispers from Strangers" turned ON in your Twitch privacy settings. If you send a whisper to SharkStatsBot first, then it will no longer be considered a stranger and will be able to send you whispers.

Sometimes it might also help to completely close your browser and then try again.


If you are interested in including SharkStatsBot in your channel go to the Discord!

To see the bot in action, go check out:

You can also see recent betting data here: